Lexique des mots MECRISP Forth

publication: 12 décembre 2023 / mis à jour 15 décembre 2023

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-inf        -roll       -rot        ,           ;           :           !           ?do   
?dup        ?of         .           ."          .digit      .s          '           (create)   
(dp)        (find)      (latest)    (pause)     [           [']         [char]      ]   
@           *           */          */mod       /           /mod        #           #>   
#S          +           +!          +inf        +loop       <           <#          <=   
<>          <builds     =           >           ><,         >=          >in         >r   
0-foldable  0<          0<>         0=          0to1-atan   0to1sqrt    1-          1-foldable   
1+          1overlnof2  2-          2-foldable  2-rot       2!          2@          2*   
2/          2+          2>r         2constant   2drop       2dup        2nip        2over   
2r@         2r>         2rdrop      2rot        2swap       2tuck       2variable   3-foldable   
4-foldable  5-foldable  6-foldable  7-foldable  abs         accept      acos        activate   
adcs        add         addr.       addrinflash?            addrinram?  adds        adds&subs   
again       ahead       align       aligned     allot       and         ands        arshift   
asin        asrs        asrsr       atan        atan-coef   atan-table  b           background   
base        base-ivl-atan           bcc         bcs         begin       beq         bge   
bgt         bhi         bhs         bic         bic!        bics        binary      bis!   
bit@        bl          ble         blo         bls         blt         blx         bmi   
bne         boot-task   bpl         buffer:     bvc         bvs         bx          c,   
c!          c"          c@          c+!         call,       case        catch       cbic!   
cbis!       cbit@       cell+       cells       cexpect     cflash!     char        check+label   
cjump,      clz         cmp         compare     compileonly             compiletoflash   
compiletoram            compiletoram?           connect-flash           const.      constant   
cos         cos-coef    count       cr          create      ctype       current-source   
cxor!       cycles      d-          d.          d/          d/mod       d+          d<   
d<>         d=          d>          d0<         d0=         d2*         d2/         dabs   
decimal     deg-90to90  deg0to360   deg2rad     delay-cycles            depth       destination-r0   
dictionarynext          dictionarystart         digit       dint        disasm      disasm-$   
disasm-fetch            disasm-step disasm-string           dnegate     do          does>   
double-operand          drop        dshl        dshr        du<         du>         dump   
dump16      dup         eint        eint?       else        emit        emit?       endcase   
endof       enter-xip   eors        erase-range erase#      ersteszeichen           evaluate   
even        execute     exit        exit-xip    exp         exp-1to1    exp-coef    f.   
f.n         f*          f/          f#          f#S         f>s         false       fill   
find        flashvar-here           floor       flush-cache forgetram   h,          h!   
h.s         h@          h+!         half-q1-cos-rad         half-q1-sin-rad         halign   
handler     hbic!       hbis!       hbit@       here        hex         hex.        hflash!   
hold        hold<       hook-emit   hook-emit?  hook-find   hook-key    hook-key?   hook-pause   
hook-quit   hxor!       i           idle        if          image>spi-offset        imm3.   
imm3<<1.    imm3<<2.    imm5.       imm5<<1.    imm5<<2.    imm7<<2.    imm8.       imm8<<1.   
imm8<<2.    immediate   inline      inline,     insert      interpret   ipsr        irq-ADC_FIFO   
irq-CLOCKS  irq-collection          irq-DMA_0   irq-DMA_1   irq-fault   irq-I2C0    irq-I2C1   
irq-IO_BANK0            irq-IO_QSPI irq-pendsv  irq-PIO0_0  irq-PIO0_1  irq-PIO1_0  irq-PIO1_1   
irq-PWM_WRAP            irq-RTC     irq-SIO_PROC0           irq-SIO_PROC1           irq-SPI0   
irq-SPI1    irq-svcall  irq-systick irq-TIMER_0 irq-TIMER_1 irq-TIMER_2 irq-TIMER_3 irq-UART0   
irq-UART1   irq-USBCTRL irq-XIP     j           jump-destination        jump,       jumps   
k           key         key?        l-:         l+:         label-      label--     label---   
label-f1    label-f2    label-f3    label-f4    label-f5    label-f6    label-f7    label-f8   
ldmia       ldr         ldr=        ldrb        ldrh        ldrsb       ldrsh       leave   
list        literal,    ln          ln10overln2 lnof2       load&store  load#       log10   
log10of2    log2        log2-1to2   loop        lshift      lsls        lslsr       lsrs   
lsrsr       m*          m/mod       max         memstamp    min         mod         mov   
mov&add     move        movs        movs&cmp    ms          muls        multitask   mvns   
name.       negate      new         next-task   nip         nop         not         number   
numbertable nvariable   of          opcode?     operandenparser         or          orrs   
over        parse       pause       pi/2        pi/4        pick        pop         postpone   
pow10       pow2        preparetask             previous    program-range           push   
push&pop    q1-sin-rad  q1toq4-sin  query       quit        r@          r>          rad2deg   
rdepth      rdrop       recurse     reg.        reg16.      reg16split.             register.   
registerlist.           registerliteral,        registerparser          registerparser16   
remember+jump           remove      repeat      reset       restart     ret,        rev   
rev16       revsh       rol         roll        rom-code    rom-data    ror         rors   
rot         rp!         rp@         rpick       rrotate     rshift      s"          s>d   
s>f         save        save-task   save#       sbcs        see         seec        serial-emit   
serial-emit?            serial-key  serial-key? setflags    setsource   sev         shifts-imm   
shl         shr         sign        signedloads sin         sin-coef    single-operand   
singletask  skipstring  smudge      source      sp!         sp@         space       spaces   
sqrt        stackspace  state       stmia       stmia&ldmia stop        str         strb   
strh        string,     subs        swap        sxtb        sxth        symbolwert  tan   
task-in-list?           task-state  task:       tasks       then        throw       tib   
TIMEHR      TIMEHW      TIMELR      TIMELW      TIMERAWH    TIMERAWL    token       true   
tst         tuck        type        u.          u.2         u.4         u.8   
u.ns        u.s         u*/         u*/mod      u/mod       u<          u<=         u>   
u>=         ud.         ud*         ud/mod      udm*        um*         um/mod      umax   
umin        unhandled   unloop      until       unused      up          us          uxtb   
uxth        variable    vorneabschneiden        wake        wfi         while       words   
xor         xor!        zero-operand 

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